Monday, March 10, 2025

Introducing ...

 ... our newest family member, Benny.

We've missed having a dog for a while now, since Jake crossed more than a year ago, but we hadn't planned to get another pet.  Recently though, after careful consideration, we decided to visit the animal shelter and find a new companion.  We're hoping this little guy will be an antidote to all the negative stuff in life these days.  We're actively seeking as much **good** as we can possibly find to keep the doom and despair at bay!  He's pretty cute!

Benny was a stray, about three years old.  At the shelter they said (generic) "terrier," but I'm positive he has quite a bit of poodle in the mix as well.  He's lively and good natured and craves human companionship.  The boys are enchanted with him -- Lucci especially just adores animals, so he's absolutely in heaven. Leo has a very busy new job carrying poop bags around, in case they're needed. (Gwumpa, where's poopoo?!) As the biggest brother, Lorenzo is captain of 'taking him for a walk'.  We all seem to be settling in together nicely.

Buffoon: a foolish undignified coarse person; a boor


1 comment:

Magpie's Mumblings said...

He's a cutie! I'm sure he will thrive with all the loving attention he's getting.