1. Half Life Jillian Cantor
1. Half Life Jillian Cantor
2. Italy the Beautiful Lorenza de Medici
3. Hester Laurie Lico Albanese
4. Dalvi Laura Galloway
5. Eighty Days Matthew Goodman
6. Berlioz the Bear Jan Brett
7. Between Shades of Gray Ruta Sepetys
8. Embroideries of Eastern Europe Mary B. Kelly
9. The River Midnight Lilian Nattel
10. My Good Life in France Janine Marsh
11. The Red Notebook Antoine Laurain
12. Gateway to the Moon Mary Morris
13. Celebrating Italy Carol Field
14. Tout Sweet Karen Wheeler
15. The Crazy Quilt Handbook Judith Baker Montano
16. The Whistling Season Ivan Doig