Friday, February 7, 2025

RSC25: February - blue

RSC25: February - blue

I've settled into a comfortable RSC routine this month, repeating the blocks I launched in January.  This week, some classic log cabins again.

And a plan for my stack of blue fabrics.  My overarching goals for the year are stash reduction and replenishing my donation quilts supply, so nothing fancy on the docket for blue RSC25.  I decided to go with simple Disappearing 9-patch blocks.

They work up easily, and a nice comfort quilt will happen in the not-too-distant future.


Archenemy: antagonist; adversary; foe; nemesis; opponent; devil



Astrid said...

Pretty blue blocks and they are easy to make. It's good to have a plan for the RSC blocks. I usually do the blocks first week in the month, when they are done I'm free to do whatever I fancy.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Blue is my favourite colour so I'm glad to see it being featured on some of the blogs. I especially like the log cabin blocks.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I love how that yellow with the blue just shines. You are doing great with your quilting goals!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I forgot to mention how much I love the quilt in your header, so beautiful!

Sara said...

Love the blue and yellow together in this block. My college colors!

Nancy in Indiana said...

I really like both of your blocks! I think this is my first visit to your blog - followed the Scraphappy Saturday link

Sue said...

Disappearing Nines & Log Cabins for the win! They both look great.

Deb A said...

Those log cabins are gorgeous (I do love blue!)

Susie H said...

Both sets of blue blocks look great. Why do I always forget about the Disappearing 9-Patch? They make such interesting blocks.