Saturday, March 15, 2025

A finish!

 Starowka, the 2024 Quiltville mystery, is quilted, bound, washed and dried -- done!!

I was aiming for a light bright springtime palette, and this quilt certainly meets that goal.  The intricate pieced design -- a trademark of Quiltville patterns -- is rather too busy for my taste.  In any case, I'm giving myself big pats on the back and high-fives for taking this project across the finish line.  My quilty mojo is very low these days, and I almost let this one lapse into UFO-ness.  But with perseverance I now have a lovely new Spring/Easter quilt.

Absolutely positively for sure this concludes my 'sew along' days.  Any more quilts I make from now on will be creations based on my own design inspirations and will be worked at my own pace.
Cancer: any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively



Anonymous said...

You will enjoy your new quilting endeavors. I know I do when I am making just what I want. Laura

Julierose said...

Congratulations on such a lovely finish!! It definitely has that light Spring vibe going--nice work to push on to the finish line with such an intricate pattern!! My energy has been low, too [and no wonder, right?].
I find SALs difficult; I don't know how long my Dark Days one will keep me interested--it is a year-long one!! So, at least, slow work...
Hugs, Julierose