Monday, January 30, 2023

Lancaster Diamonds


I've been working slowly but steadily on my long-term Lancaster Diamond Sampler project.  It seems that I've settled into a pace of about four blocks per week.  The diamond blocks are approximately 5" x 7", and in many cases the pieces being sewn are less than 1".

I don't have any particular destination or size in mind for my completed sampler.  Probably not nearly as many blocks as the 170+ in the original.  The arithmetic required for 'diamonds plus diamond sashing' makes resizing a bit of a challenge, so I'm not really sure.  I do have plenty of fabric, so I'll just continue working along until I get tired of diamonds.


1 comment:

Quiltdivajulie said...

Your diamonds look so good all together. I agree about the resizing - mine will be a wall hanging quilt so I'm dealing with the "how to set it" issues here, too. Likely going my own way rather than the inspiration quilt's sashing and diamond cornerstones.