Sunday, January 23, 2022


Rhiannon has had it with snow!

Meanwhile, the motley crew keeping busy together



Patty McDonald said...

Rhiannon has the right idea. Who wants to be out in the cold! Maybe her family will some day move to sunny California?! The three grand boys are adorable. All have grown so much since your last picture. Such handsome boys. I had (have)three boys and things were always hopping. Your son and DIL have a full plate keeping up with them. I've enjoyed seeing what you are stitching and quilting. Especially what you did with tiny scraps of fabric. Such a clever idea. My hubby has had a couple Dr appointments and then some dentist appointments so I haven't been on the computer much.....helping him. Have a blessed week.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Ah, time spent with grandies - something we mustn't take for granted! We had a marvelous afternoon with our #1 son, DIL and 7 year old grandson this past weekend and it was precious as gold.