Saturday, February 6, 2021

RSC21 - February yellow

 Our RSC challenge color for February is yellow, and I'm charging right out of the starting gate!  I had some nice yellow scraps in my basket, and I was able to quickly put together this sunshiney little nap quilt for Rhiannon.  I'll get the binding done during football tomorrow, and then it will go into the mail on Monday.

This is my first completion for 2021!

Enjoy other happy yellow projects at SCRAPHAPPY SATURDAY.



Nancy said...

What a fun quilt. What size are the strips? And did you applique the circles around the border or is that printed fabric? Congrats on the early finish!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Wow - you're fast! I think Rhiannon will love getting a package of sunshine in the mail.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Congrats on such a nice finish! Rhiannon is very lucky!

gpc said...

Sweet! I find I have few yellow scraps, just as I found few in pink last month -- which is surprising since I made a pink and yellow quilt last year! I love that combination.

scraphappy said...

Yay! A sunny and happy finish. What a great way to start the year.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a sweet girl that bright sunshiny quilt will be!!