Friday, December 4, 2020


Purple progress:
I settled on the classic 'Grandmother's Choice' block because it tickled my fancy to include 'grandmother' in the quilt design and also because this block illustration (which I will print and tuck into the quilt when I send it) is PURPLE.  I'm easily amused.

I got all nine blocks pieced, using a scrappy assortment of 30s conversational prints. 
So far, so good.



gpc said...

Sweet. I've never seen that block called "grandmother's", but that appeals to me, too! I made my grands "quarantine" quilts this year, with embroidered house blocks, because we all stayed home so much this year. But next year I plan to make them a more traditional pattern, and this one will be in the running for sure! She will love it and no doubt treasure it for her whole life. We are both lucky that grandmother's hold such a special place in kids' memories. :)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Perfect choice on so many levels!