Thursday, November 19, 2020

On a whim ...

I'm just finishing up the binding on the Christmas quilts for the little boys -- photo soon.  

So I did some stash 'shopping', pulled some raspberry fabrics that caught my eye, and will be launching something new.  No reason for the color choice, no destination in mind -- this will be just for the satisfaction of piecing.  I feel like getting back into my old sewing routines, which have been interrupted for several months by moving.



Angie said...

Jeanne!! I am lost in fogs for large chunks of time...sometimes reading blogs, sometimes forgetting even to do that. I had no IDEA you had moved! My soul aches for that wild, silent, soothing 'away from the fray' place that I know your soul must be longing for too. Having spent the last year and a half in my 'city' house, I can imagine a lot of thoughts and feelings you must have. I am only now beginning to 'settle' into this safe little house (haven't sold the other one) and beginning to pull out fabric and thread, oh so slowly here. I found a cross stitch project from YEARS ago that I hadn't finished and brought it back to the city with me. I have been working on that at night. There are so many blessings to this little cocoon of a house in the city, and I'm truly grateful to have this option, but my heart and soul will always belong (and long) for our home at the lake. May you settle in with ease into your new home. It will feel like home for both of us in time. Blessings, dear friend.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm rarely a fan of pink but I do love those rich tones that you've chosen - now I'm anxious to see what you have in mind for them!

gpc said...

What bright colors! (they call out to me for a spash of yellow or orange, but perhaps that's just me!) Whatever you make will undoubtedly be amazing.