Saturday, November 9, 2019


These two block sets were launched as RSC19 projects at the beginning of this year.  They are 'Northern Lights'  blocks from Pat Speth's Nickel Quilts book.  Right from the get-go, I decided to separate the blocks into warm and cool sets.
I pulled them out yesterday to see where things stood, and discovered I only needed to make three more blocks for each set to complete the 5 x 7 layouts.  Jake did some quality-control testing but he wasn't able to choose a colorway preference. 
At the beginning of the year, when I first started these block sets, it was my intention to make two larger quilts with borders.  But as it happens, these two tops are exactly the requested size for Wrap-A-Smile donation quilts just as they are now, so there we have it: done.  They will be expedited through the quilting and binding queues, and will hopefully be sent out by the beginning of December.  I'm very pleased with the color statements these two tops are making!
I still have two more RSC block sets going, Dawn to Dusk and Burgoyne Surrounded, but I'm planning to roll them over into next year.
Enjoy more rainbow projects at


Libby in TN said...

Good decision to separate warm and cool Northern Lights. Both quilts are going to be lovely!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love your Northern Lights blocks in the warm and cool colorways! I've been making some of those, too, but haven't pulled them out in awhile. What size does Wrap-a-Smile like their quilts to be? I would love to send them a quilt!

gayle said...

Well, I can see why Jake had a tough time choosing! Both are wonderful quilts. How could there be a favorite?

The Joyful Quilter said...

All four of these quilts are going to be SEW lovely!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Wonderful colour work on these quilt!
And fun projects to continue into next year!