Friday, March 8, 2019

RSC19: March - green

This month's quota of Northern Lights blocks

 And a few green bubble blocks.
I have somewhere near 80 of these done already.

And here's a green project that just 
jumped right out of the closet at me!
Several years ago, when I was still selling quilts, I set up a group of baby quilt kits for myself.  The plan was to use up lots of 1930s-repro conversationals while making quilts to sell.   Each bundle had a selection of color-coordinated prints, a yard or so of contrast fabric, another half-yard for binding, and a length of flannel for the back.   At the time I made and sold quite a few similar baby quilts, but when my commitments changed the remaining bundles were tucked away undone.  And so, here's a nice green assortment, just waiting to turn into a crib quilt!  I have a simple 4-patch step arrangement in mind for these fabrics.

to see other green projects!



Mari said...

Love those sugar bowl blocks at the top. All of your greens are lovely, and how lucky that you have some fabrics all kitted up. They're always ready for us, aren't they?

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I like your green Northern Lights blocks! I have made a few of those myself - I'll have to share them sometimes during our green month!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice work on your blocks for the RSC and great find for a GREEN baby quilt, too!!

maggie fellow said...

I am making those blocks as well - yours look great - great idea for the baby quilt.

Cathy said...

I love your green blocks! And how clever to have had those baby quilts kitted up. You should be able to sew that up in no time. I used to live in Covina, and we’d often head up to Big Bear for our “mountain fix”, LOL. Now I’m in the Salt Lake Valley and surrounded by mountains, the closest only a 10-minute drive away.

Cathy said...

I've seen so many names for what you call Bubble Block. I've been making them too and I think I have used the same green plaid in one of mine. I think they will make a fun quilt.