Friday, January 4, 2019

Blockheads 2

One of my strategies for being productive in 2019 is to observe a correspondence between my unfinished quilt projects and my new starts. This doesn't necessarily mean I must have an exact one-to-one start/finish ratio … but at least I'm going to try to have made an effort to move an old one forward before I begin something new.  Soooo, since I'll be undertaking several new RSC activities this month, I needed to rack up some 
progress on a UFO.

Here is my last visit to my Blockheads 2 project, a Moda sew-along that began last February.  The sew-along is still ongoing, but I decided sometime last summer to step away -- to use the blocks I had already accumulated, and do my own (smaller) version of the official project.  (A side observation here: I've decided that I'm not committing to any more long-term sew-alongs for a while.  This year I'm choosing to work at my own pace on my own areas of interest.)  
Anyway, here's where it stood in October: 

At that point, I needed to finish my layout with a few more blocks, assemble the rows with setting triangles, and add borders.  I'm happy to report that the top is now done, and ready to be layered and quilted!  I have backing and binding set aside on the 'almost done' pile, and the project tub can now be emptied.  I'd really like to have this quilt finished for February -- I'll be continuing to give it attention in the coming week or so. 
