Despite that, the year was very good. We finally finished the kitchen remodel, which had been started in 2013 before the oldsters got so bad. We had exterior painting and fencework done. I became involved with Bear Country Quilts and Gifts, where I am now teaching quilt classes. I also learned a new skill there: longarm quilting. Additionally, I completed 74 quilts in 2015, and since most of them were for the shop, either for consignment or for commission, I am fortunate to have earned quite a lot via quilting this year. We took a month-long trip across the country to visit Nick and Stacey in Boston. Tony's family came out from Chicago to visit with us here. I read 51 books. I baked lots of bread, and gazed at lots of stars.
I greatly enjoy my home, and the small rural community where I live. Our surrounding wilderness is beautiful. My family is all safe and healthy. I am fortunate to be able to spend my hours absorbed with activities I enjoy.
All is well.
Happy healthy new year to you.
You certainly did accomplish much this past year. My husband and I drove up to Big Bear on a whim last August. Very lovely town and folks. We were up there during the Fun Run. Oh, what a day that was. I also went into your shop...not knowing that until now. I love that shop and the variety in fabrics.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
blessings, jill
My parents also passed away within a few months of each other and it does take some getting used to. You are a very busy and productive lady! I hope 2016 has great things in store for you.
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