Saturday, November 28, 2015

Odds and ends

We've been having quite an early cold spell the past several days, with temps not getting above freezing at all and overnights down into the teens.  Brrr! 

I just finished a UFO that I started way back in January for RSC15/Blue.  It's been hanging over the door to my sewing room ever since.  It has been donated to a local family who lost their home in a fire recently. 
 As has been the case for the past several years, I started out strong with Rainbow Scrap Challenge at the beginning of the year and then fizzled out in April or so.  I do have one other block set from this year that is close to becoming a quilt, but then there are at least three other block sets that will each need many more blocks before they're done.   Guess it'll be time to start planning next year's quilt activities pretty soon now ... probably including another go at Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

This coming week I'm looking forward to getting out the holiday decorations and changing the house from autumn to Christmas!


1 comment:

Paula, the quilter said...

The first step for me to start the holiday decorating is to rearrange the furniture. That was a real chore this year as hubby cracked his kneecap several weeks ago and has his leg immobilized.