Friday, February 21, 2025

RSC25: February - blue

RSC25: February - blue

The blue Disappearing 9-patch blocks came together into a nice bright interesting top!  It's actually larger than I expected, about 65" x 65".  It will be waiting in the To-Be-Quilted basket until I need a donation quilt.


Belligerent: aggressively hostile; given to waging war; of warlike character; bellicose


Thursday, February 20, 2025

This week's embroidery

I'm keeping myself occupied with some honeycomb background stitch.  I'm a member of a couple of online embroidery groups, and one of them is offering a monthly challenge -- which includes specific colors, several stitches, and particular embellishments.  February's honeycomb stitch was a new one for me, and it's actually going well.  I have an idea simmering in the back of my mind for a little framed hanging piece.

We're now a month into this national horror spectacle, and every day -- every few hours -- more appalling news is released.  The United States is now officially in alliance WITH Putin AGAINST Europe.  It's not a sustainable situation.  The vocabulary words are my own, a way for me to express my outrage with more specificity.  I currently have more than a year's worth of words on my list. I'm going to need a lot more embroidery and a lot more words I'm afraid. Sigh.

Bellicose: inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile


Wednesday, February 19, 2025



Beholden: under obligation; owing a debt; bound


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

"Not My President Day" Observance!

Protests took place all across the nation yesterday for Not My President Day.  We were out at Long Beach City Hall with many many others.  I never dreamed I'd be this person at this time in my life, and yet here we are.

Base: morally low; without estimable personal qualities; dishonorable; meanspirited; selfish; cowardly; worthless; characteristic of or befitting an inferior person or thing


Monday, February 17, 2025

Rock Hounds

Lorenzo is an avid rock collector, and for his birthday party yesterday Dave actually built a gold panning sluice with recirculating water pump out in their yard so the kids could 'excavate' gems and fossils and arrowheads.  A wonderful success, complete with a geode birthday cake!!

Bad: not good in any manner or degree; having a wicked or evil character; morally reprehensible; inadequate; not satisfactory; injurious;  having a disastrous or detrimental effect; causing or characterized by discomfort; disagreeable; unpleasant; irritable or surly; more dangerous than usual; causing or resulting in disaster or severe damage or destruction; disobedient; disreputable; dishonorable; displaying a lack of skill or judgement; causing distress; unfavorable; dangerous; not keeping with standard of behavior or conduct; obscene; having the character of a villain


Sunday, February 16, 2025



Awful: extremely bad; unpleasant; ugly: inspiring fear; dreadful; terrible: extremely dangerous or injurious 


Saturday, February 15, 2025

RSC25: February - blue

RSC25: February - blue

I pieced my monthly quota of Disappearing Rails blocks this week. This gives me 10 of the targeted 35 blocks, so this project is progressing. 

And again used the leftover 2 1/2" bits to make small corner units.  I'll need a couple billion more of these to make an entire quilt.

Avaricious: characterized by greed; rapacious; desiring to possess more of something than one already has or might in normal circumstances be entitled to 
