Saturday, January 15, 2022

Boho Heart

Back to work on Boho Heart today.  It doesn't look like I got much done, but actually I got myself re-organized and back into production mode with the background areas.  All the strips I used today will reappear way down on the bottom part of this section.  They're all different lengths, so cutting requires some concentration.

Actually, the most challenging part of this project is not placing the pieced square blocks, that's just a grid system.  The confusing part is the background -- all those narrow strips need to stay in exact sequence to fulfill the appearance that they are continuous lines behind the giant heart.  One strip out of sequence would throw the whole thing off!   



Nancy said...

What a lot of care and careful construction. And you'll end up with something gorgeous, Jeanne!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

This one is going to be a showpiece when you're done. I love the design but it does look complicated to execute.