Monday, July 20, 2020

UFO Inventory Part 1

I haven't been particularly inspired to start any new quilt projects lately, but I have been slowly chipping away at my UFO backlog.  I've completed several of them in the past month or so, and decided to identify and document the remaining assortment. I'm approaching this in two phases: tops ready to be finished, and block sets that need further attention.

Here is my UFO Flimsies/Tops queue, in no particular order --  (whew, lotsa piecing here!!) 

Hope's Journey


Dashed Hopes



Stars In Her Crown

Bottom Line


Autumn lotto blocks

Bakers Dozen

Ella Maria Deacon

Tomorrow I'll list the block sets.



Magpie's Mumblings said...

Wow. Just wow. I kept scrolling down....and down.....and down and each one is prettier than the last. You have lots of fun ahead of you (and obviously there's lots behind you too).

Anonymous said...

Magpie's Mumblings said exactly what I was thinking!
Wonderful tops to finish. WOW.