Thursday, February 27, 2020

# 28 - I Like

I've been neglecting doing 'I Like' posts, but I need to get going again because I truly am grateful every day for the goodness in my life.  I'll get myself restarted with a quick list this week.

I like that it's light now in the early morning.  It feels like spring is right around the corner!

I like the tasty Olive Bread I made yesterday.  I did half the recipe -- just one loaf -- and used the bread machine.  We had grilled cheese sandwiches for supper last night.

I like the daffodils sprouting along the garage.  We're due for a bit more snow over the weekend, but Nature keeps inching forward anyway.

I like that steady progress is being made with the upstairs remodel project.  It's not fun to have so much disruption in the house, but it's going to be wonderful when all is done.  Meanwhile, the working guys are nice. 

Enjoy more friends sharing their gratitude at
