Monday, January 6, 2020

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, Timbale, and Gifts

We've made it to Twelfth Night, and we've finished the jigsaw puzzle and finished the holiday season! 
Thank you for bearing with me as I've spent slow time these past couple of weeks, savoring the gifts of my life and nourishing my spirit, which is today's subject.

Twelfth Night is the final night of the winter holiday season.  At our house, we will begin dinner with apple wassail (hot spiced cider with white wine) to drink a toast to things past and things to come.   While I don't believe in 'magic potions', I do believe in being mindfully grateful for the amazing world around us, and in grieving for what we are losing because of climate change.

Our traditional Twelfth Night dinner is timbale, a savory Italian pie.  With it we will enjoy stuffed tomatoes as a side salad, and finally King Cake, a filled dessert.  All three components of the meal are 'packages' that represent gifts.

Michele Bilyeu has posted a wonderful essay about Epiphany/Twelfth Night and gifts at her blog WITH HEART AND HANDS.

I am grateful for the gifts that the universe has given me, and I hope I can pay my gifts forward to others somehow.  I hope it isn't too late to help make the world a better place.
