
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The wheel of the year keeps turning ...

I made this primitive-style quilt more than 20 years ago, an adaptation of a Girl Gang pattern called 'It's a Wonderful Life.'  It's personalized, hand appliqued etc. -- definitely an heirloom in my collection.  We use it on our bed during January to represent the calendar and celebrate the circle of the coming year.

Enjoying the quilt had become problematic for me in recent years however, and this time around I decided I needed to change it.  I was no longer at peace sleeping under the depiction of a flag and what it represents now. This may seem trivial, but I'm at the stage of my life where I need to set things right in my own heart.

It has been corrected. 

I am gravely concerned about the coming year, the coming era.  There are many reasons for this apprehension of course, but to put it in personal terms: I have Stage IV cancer.  The disease in my body is being suppressed by very expensive drugs.  My condition is being monitored via very expensive scans and tests.  There is no way we can afford to pay for these things outright, but I am currently getting treatment because of protections in the Affordable Care Act.  Unfortunately, it seems that the incoming administration of the United States is intending to remove the guardrails and restrictions on the health care industry and on pharmaceutical prices.  If the protections are dropped and I can't afford access to the treatments anymore, I will die.

This is only one of the (very specific and personal to me) reasons that I find the incoming administration abhorrent.  I'm also very depressed to observe that the values I've considered to be the foundation and framework for my entire life -- honor, integrity, morality, compassion, decency, honesty -- are in fact no longer of value.  It makes me feel like my life energy has been spent in vain.

I'm very afraid that our world now is going to get much much worse before it begins to get better ... it won't turn around within my lifetime for sure and maybe never.  I'm sick at heart, and I'm afraid that my spirit won't make it through this coming era of hatred and ugliness and dystopia. The incoming president, his government, and those who support them are dangerous, preposterous, despicable and appalling to me. I hope I'm wrong about my fears, but I very much doubt it. 

And every day the situation gets more absurd and alarming.

Onward to 2025 ... 



  1. It seems like pretty much the entire world is in turmoil and much of it stems back to when the donald was in power previously. I think we'd better hang on because it's going to be a rough four years. I truly hope your fears for medical care will be proven wrong. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  2. I understand you completely. I'm a bit older than you and maintaining cancer at Stage II. Your thoughts on society today match mine. I am amazed that there are way more people who do not believe in the values I have held all my life. It makes me feel helpless. I will attempt to help make my corner of the world the best I can. I see you doing the same for your grandchildren. You need to know what you share with them will mean a lot to the future of their lives. Look for the places you can help and let others do what they can where you cannot. I have always prayed for peace and feel I have been let down so I need to step up as much as an old lady can.

  3. I am in total agreement with your sentiments!!
    And yet, here I find myself wishing a Happy New Year to all and sundry when in my heart I fear that our democracy will be taken apart and our country will not be able to recover--certainly not in my lifetime...
    I am trying to keep hope in my heart during the inevitable coming
    "dark age"....and I just pray that we can somehow slow and stop this descent.
    Hugs for peace. love and kindness , Julierose

  4. Oh Jeanne, this post so resinates with me. As I think you know, I had two open heart procedures last year, the second one to repair a 'blowup' (as the doctors put it) that should have killed me but didn't. I would not have been considered at the top hospital for that repair if I had not had insurance, and I certainly could not have paid for it without insurance. It would have financially ruined me. Now here I am faced with another major surgery, a decompression of the spinal cord in my neck that could paralyze me without the surgery. Again, without insurance there's no way. And there are so so many like us in this country----and that voted for the convicted felon to be in charge of our lives. Unbelievable. I am total agreement with your sentiments. I am so sad to hear about your cancer. I don't know what will become of you or me in the coming days, but for whatever time we have, I hope that 2025 is kinder to all of us than I think it will be. Sending quilted hugs of comfort to you, my dear friend.
