
Friday, October 30, 2020

A Bounty of Goodness

Nature has been for me, for as long as I can remember, a source of solace, inspiration, adventure and delight: a home, a teacher, a companion.  Now I live in a strange, different landscape in coastal California and prepare to begin again.  I glean in private moments of wistfulness through the golden fields of acceptance, grace and gratitude.  For it is up to us to distinguish between the bitter and the sweet among the memories we glean, gather in, and let go.  Weeping may endure for many seasons of our lives, but we can also ask to be 
surprised by joy.
~ SBB ~



  1. How nice that you have comments enabled now! Change can be hard and this has been a year for many of us -- maybe all of us -- of unwelcome changes. It is good to be reminded that life is filled with unexpected joys even now.

  2. Sometimes it's so hard to make a change and it takes awhile to be comfortable in your new surroundings. Like a new pair of shoes. Wonderful quote - thank you again.
