
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Magic Stars

Well, I found a little project to keep myself occupied with this week!

I ran across reference to these Magic Stars blocks the other day, and they are as quick and easy as they look.  I decided to work up a sample block, which took less than 10 minutes, including choosing and cutting a pair of coordinated 10" squares.

Jess had selected several of my home decor Halloween quilts last year for the little boys to take home and enjoy, so I've decided to use odds and ends of October novelty fabrics from my stash to make myself a replacement.  Aiming for 36 blocks in a square layout at this point, and the more I get sewn, the scrappier it will become.  Not sure that Halloween will happen this year, but I enjoy decorating anyway. 



  1. What a cute happy quilt. I'll have to go to the link and find out how it is made.

  2. Love this block! Thanks for sharing. It may be my 2021 RSC block.

  3. Don't think I've seen that block design before - it's fun. Halloween isn't going to be the way we've always known it this year I expect. I know if I were a parent I certainly wouldn't want my kids going door to door. Perhaps there might be a swing towards small house parties with people you're already in contact with. Will be interesting to see what happens.
