
Monday, August 31, 2020

And now for something completely different

I've been especially distracted all month because we've been working toward a new life phase: we're moving !

We absolutely love our house and this location up here in the mountains.  We've lived here for more than eleven years full time, and for six years prior to that part time.   But as we age, Tony and I have arrived at the moment when we need to acknowledge that we are quite isolated up here at 7000' in the middle of a national forest, and that the support resources which are available up here are *scant* at best.

This is a very small town.  Our local medical services are limited to absolutely basic first-aid.  Triage-type stabilization is offered, and then the patient is immediately sent 'down the hill.'  All types of specialized medical care are far away and difficult to access -- even more so during the winter months. Shopping is almost non-existent: we have a couple of grocery stores and hardware stores, and some souvenir shops, but not much beyond that.  We had a local K-mart, but it's literally empty of merchandise now, because it's going out of business momentarily. Any additional shopping involves a three-hour round trip, down two-lane curving mountain roads.  Fortunately, shopping by mail is a viable alternative these days, but our mail delivery up here is also sketchy: everything must be picked up at the post office with limited days and hours, and again weather-dependent. Add to all of these challenges the ever-present dangers of forest fires, blizzards causing impassible mountain roads, and earthquakes.  Fire season is year-round, and snow begins as early as Halloween.   

We've been struggling with this reality for a while now, and have finally agreed that it's time for us to relocate somewhere safer: down from the mountains, into more temperate weather, closer to kids and grandkids, and with better access to medical services.  This has been really really tough for us to accept!!

So toward this end, we've finally settled on a nice little house close to son Dave and his family.  It has good living spaces, abundant storage, and a pleasant yard.  We're packing now, no small task after all these years of accumulating a lifetime of treasures.  The movers are scheduled for mid-September.  Lots of work to do before then, and lots of adjustment afterwards -- it will be a completely different lifestyle.  We won't have four seasons, the metro Los Angeles area is very urban and densely populated, the 'new' house will be very different from this one -- although I will admit that no stairs will be a Good Thing!  

We're hopeful that our life will settle into a positive and safe and happy new chapter.



  1. Oooh the best of luck to you on your moving and the move--the house looks so pretty--we live all on one floor and just love it...
    Nice to have shorter runs to grocery and shopping..
    Take care and don't overdo with packing!! ;000
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Since you have to move, you've chosen a beautiful new home to buy! I will be sad not seeing your beautiful red house but completely understand the need, as we age, for closer and easier stores, medical help, etc. I hope you'll have a smooth and easy move (as easy as packing a life's worth of possessions can be) and a comfortable transition. Really, I hope you love your new home!

  3. Such a difficult decision but one that should be made before it is absolutely necessary. My hubby is late 70's and I'm just a few yrs. behind him. We've lived on our 2 1/2 acres for 44 years! After this covid thing, we plan to sell in 2021. It's a lot of work and I'm so tired of dirt roads and falling when walking the roads. There are lots of chuck holes!! It will be a HUGE adjustment to live in a tract home but that is our plan. I look forward to reading about your adjustment. Best wishes. Patty McDonald

  4. Congratulations! We made that move 5 years ago. It was difficult but looking back we have no regrets. We love being closer to our son and love the more temperate winters in northern NV. Best of luck with your new life chapter!

  5. Oh wow! This comes as a surprise! I think you are doing the right thing but it will be so hard to leave that wonderful red house. Having said that, your new one looks pretty darned nice too. I'm sure you will be very relieved once you're settled and not having to worry about those mountain roads.

  6. You've picked out a beautiful new place. We moved 20 years ago and it was a big "Deal". But, I have no regrets, change is always positive, especially when you're moving closer to family. I hope the pluses of the move far outweigh the minuses.

  7. Dear Jeanne, I'm wishing you and your husband all THE BEST for this new chapter in your lives !
    Moving on, adapting to our needs, is an act of courage, yet it often brings wonderful improvements and unexpected surprises...

    As a matter of fact, we are now considering selling our house, where we've been living for 37 years, and where our 4 kids were born.
    It's a lovely English style cottage, in the countryside, with a beautiful garden, but far from all commodities. We're aging, and hubby starts to find it difficult tending the garden, etc... Many pleasure are slowly becoming chores.
    So, we're going to look for a comfortable appartment in town, allowing an easier life, with everything around us... Also, as we love traveling, we won't need to ask the children to come and check the house, the garden, ... We'd like to stay independant and self sufficient as long as possible.

    So, Jeanne, I'm with you ! :)

  8. It's not an easy decision and I can relate. We lived on a 100 acre farm (we rented the land to actual farmers) in a somewhat isolated area especially far from medical help. It was a wrench for my hubby because he had built the house and lived there for 47 years. We did move and are very happy now we did...5 minutes from a town and ten minutes from my daughter. You new home looks lovely and cosy and you will make it your own plus you will have the fun of exploring new places.
    Good luck now with the work of it all...I lost weight when we did the packing and moving!
