
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Lotto blocks

I've been puttering with a bundle of lotto blocks this past week, assembling them into donation quilts for one of my regular charity destinations,

I enjoy the challenge of making disparate blocks come together into cohesive arrangements.

Five done, and still a stack of lotto blocks waiting to be put to use.  All of these tops will be forwarded to another group member for finishing.



  1. Nice work. I bet it feels good to be helping others this way.

  2. Such a pretty collection of tops! My favourite is the one with the heart - it's beautiful.

  3. These quilts are all so special. I love the blocks you put together and the arrangement of them in all of the quilts. And your border fabrics are spot on to unify the blocks in each quilt.
    I remember reading about Block Lotto, being interested but unable to make a commitment to make so many blocks each month. And now, I think, there is no longer a Block Lotto, which is sad, considering all the beautiful blocks I saw.
