
Monday, March 30, 2020

Unity - maybe

I did a fabric pull for Bonnie Hunter's UNITY sew-along.  My choices were based on quantities available from stash.  I'm thinking I'll use green for her aqua, yellow for her dark blue, rose for her red, and mixed lights for background.  Since this is a medallion-format project, I can just stop at whatever round I run out of fabric.  I wasn't sure about starting, but since it seems that we're going to continue to have plenty of sewing time, I decided that I might as well begin.  Or anyway, pile up fabric on the table for a while.  The clues are only coming out once a week, so no hurry. 



  1. I didn't get far on Frolic so if I can convince myself, I'm going to use those fabrics for Unity. Still thinking about this one though!

  2. Piling fabric on the table for awhile sounds like a good thing to me! I'm sitting looking at that very thing at the moment - planning to make some face masks.
