
Thursday, March 26, 2020


Keeping the little boys busy at home :)

I thought this was such a cute activity!  It took concentration and a bit of muscle power, and passed quite a bit of time … and what a fun healthy result!!  Kudos to Jess for being such a clever mommy!!



  1. Hi Jeanne! What cute photos of the boys muscling through the orange juicing. How did they like the rewards of all of their hard work? Great job. Stay healthy and safe. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Those oranges are so orange! Looks like they did a good job at squeezing them.

  3. Fun thing to do with kids - teaches them that OJ doesn't come from a bottle or a can.

  4. What a fantastic activity for the littles! I personally love those old-fashioned orange juice tools. I ordered one of the old-fashioned ones for myself several years ago. I agree, your daughter-in-law(?) is great with those kiddos. :D
