
Thursday, March 5, 2020

#29 - I Like

I like the progress being made with our bathroom remodel.  The tile work is done, and flooring installation has begun.   We're getting there.  (!!!)


I liked our snowstorm earlier this week!  We've officially exceeded our annual average amount of snowfall now, and that goes a long way toward drought remediation.  (Keeping track of rainfall/snowfall totals is a local obsession.  The economy here is entirely tourist-dependent; skiing in winter and fishing in summer.)   


These two guys really liked their rainbow popcorn!
Jess took them to the marina the other day, and they had fun chasing gulls and sharing their popcorn with them.

Enjoy more friends sharing their gratitude at



  1. Good morning, Jeanne! Your tile work looks fabulous. I'll bet the flooring will go in quickly - at least I hope so. Beautiful picture of the mountains, and even better one of the two young ones enjoying their popcorn. It sure looks yummy to me! Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. those happy smiling faces are just adorable! I'd like rainbow popcorn too... magical! And if you can't have a little magic in the daily, then why not?
    we've had way more snow this winter than usual too. It's still in the yard after two days nearing 60 F.
    relief at the bathroom nearing completion!

  3. Ooh - rainbow popcorn looks good. Will they share? lol Huzzah for finished tiling. It looks so clean and fresh.

  4. Looks like your remodel is coming along nicely. I really like that tile. And that popcorn does look good - I haven't had popcorn for years.

  5. Cute grandkids and with colourful popcorn. Great photo.
    I really enjoyed seeing your Blockhead blocks, Jeanne.
    We just had light snow overnight that made up for what the rain took away this week. But more rain in the forecast so it is getting spring-ish.

  6. I love snow, but we had a very mild winter here, so it was kind of boring on that front. Of course the moisture is always appreciated! And I'm so glad your remodel is coming along. I feel like seeing demonstrable progress in projects like that is always reassuring...

  7. Glad to hear you've got above average snowfall! We're way below average at the moment in San Benito County. No rain at all in Feb, but so far two days worth this month. Hopefully, we can build up enough in the coming weeks and months for officials not to declare drought. Cheers!
