
Saturday, January 4, 2020

On the Tenth Day of Christmas ...

Today's subject is "community."  

In the literal sense, I live in a very small, somewhat isolated, mountain town.  We've lived in this house for eleven years, and we owned a vacation cabin near here for ten years before that, so we've spent 21 years on this road!  We have more friends and acquaintances than we can count -- this is the kind of place where everyone knows everyone else.  It's a sheltered and reassuring community to be part of, and I'm grateful to belong here.

I also enjoy the internet communities that I belong to.  I have quilt friends and cooking friends and reading friends and gardening friends literally around the world.  I learn from them, and they inspire and challenge me.  The globe has shrunk to become "home" to us all, and everyone has become my neighbor.  Pretty amazing, isn't it?


1 comment:

  1. There are so many drawbacks to the internet but the spirit of community isn't one of them.
