
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Ella Maria Deacon

by Gay Bomers at Sentimental Stitches

We are on Month #4 of this 21 month series.  The blocks continue to be very challenging, requiring a wide range of techniques.  I have fabric chosen for sashing, cornerstones and setting triangles, and I hope to start getting these blocks together now that they are beginning to accumulate.

  I'm seriously considering doing quilt-as-you-go, maybe not as individual blocks but in sections.  This will be a very large quilt, 95" square or something in that range, and it would be much easier to attack it in smaller bites.



  1. Your blocks look great. i find it interesting that I can see some similarities in these blocks to the blocks from the Cheddarback quilt. I guess since they are from the same era there would be certain blocks that were more popular. I've considered quilting sections of a quilt rather than waiting till the end to do it all at once but I haven't tried it yet. I'm sure there is plus and minus on both sides.

  2. Lovely looking blocks, Jeanne. I have done quilting as I go with sections so that I can manage it. I just can't quilt the large tops anymore. Since these blocks are all different it would be a good one to give this method a try.
