
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

On the Sixth Day of Christmas ...

Today I'm thinking about "order."  In many cultures, the new year brings a tradition of clearing out old clutter and starting fresh.  This is a good time for me to appreciate the ways I try to keep my life under control.

I value orderliness.  The systems of order that are already in place in my life help me to function more efficiently, with less confusion.  I like to put things where they belong so I can find them the next time.  I like to have a general plan for how I will spend my time in the coming day or week.   I strive to be prompt and reliable in my interactions with others, and to be realistic about my commitments.  I follow rules to the best of my ability.  I make a real effort to not let life get the better of me!  

And I understand that feeling a sense of control over these small things in my life is a coping mechanism for not becoming overwhelmed by the disorder and dysfunction out there in the world.  I'm going to just keep on alphabetizing my spice rack and smiling :)


1 comment:

  1. And here I thought everybody alphabetized their spice racks! My world is orderly for the most part, but I still simply have too much stuff.
